Funny Real Estate Agent Head Shots

If you're a real estate agent, odds are you know the importance of having a great headshot.

After all, this is the first impression people will see of you online, and you want to make sure it's a good one!

In this blog post, we'll share eleven tips for taking amazing headshots that will make you look sensational. Read on to find out more!

1. Hire a Professional

When it comes to real estate headshots, it's best to hire a professional if you want truly great results. On average, a professional photographer might charge $100 to $250 per hour for a headshot session. However, this number tends to go up if you want multiple locations and outfit changes.

There are cheaper options out there, but these are likely to be amateur photographers. When it comes to your real estate business, it's worth it to invest in a professional headshot photographer who knows what they are doing. A full-time photographer not only understands how to take great photos but can also help direct you when it comes to posture and facial expressions.

Many people wonder if you should tip your photographer. While other types of photoshoots might warrant a tip, tips for headshot photos are not mandatory since the session typically does not take long. Of course, if the photographer was outstanding, it is always nice to show your appreciation with a tip.

2. Perfect Your Headshot Prior to Shooting

It's a good idea to know how you want your headshot to look before the actual photoshoot. Look at other successful real estate agents' headshots to get an idea of poses and expressions. Also, plan what outfits and accessories you'll wear, in addition to how you'll style your hair and makeup.

Once you decide on your look, practice your expression and posture in the mirror so that you can be confident when it comes time for the real thing.

A woman behind a camera on a tripod

3. What Do Real Estate Agents Wear for Headshots?

The goal should be to convey that you are professional, confident and that your potential clients can trust you. This means looking the part and dressing in professional attire.

Keep your clothes simple and don't go over the top with bold prints and flashy patterns. Stick to softer, solid colors that aren't distracting. In addition, it's best to keep jewelry and accessories minimal.

4. Should You Smile for Your Headshot?

You should definitely smile in your real estate agent headshot! A genuine, authentic smile has been proven to convey a sense of trustworthiness and confidence.

Generally speaking, a smile showing your teeth is better and more personable than a closed-mouth smile. Of course, this comes down to personal preference and what you want to convey in your photo.

real estate headshots

An open-mouthed smile can make you look younger and more approachable. On the other hand, a closed smile can make you seem more serious, yet also more confident.

Whichever you choose, be sure your expression is natural and authentic, because a fake appearance will turn people away from you.

5. Choose the Location

Another factor to consider is the location you choose for your background. Consider your branding and the message you're trying to convey to potential clients.

For example, are you a real estate agent in the luxury market? Or is your market focused on small towns and rural areas? Choose a location that best represents your brand. This might be a famous city landmark, a luxury location, an outdoor setting, or maybe just a simple indoor studio.

It can be a good idea to invest the extra money and pay for multiple locations in your photoshoot so that you have several different options to choose from.

6. Posing

Our body language communicates so much, even in a photo. Make sure your pose is natural, and you don't appear stiff or awkward. Don't cross your arms or hunch over, as this can make you come across as closed off and unapproachable.

Again, think of your branding, and try to have your pose communicate confidence and approachability. If you're working with a professional photographer, they can guide you and help you find the right pose.

7. Pay for a Session, Not Just One Headshot

If you're going to hire a professional to take your real estate agent headshot, pay for a full headshot session, not just a single photo. This gives you a variety of professional photos to choose from for content on your website, blog, and social media posts.

A man holding a DSLR camera up in front of his face

8. Branding

Now that you have your perfect headshot, it's time to start putting it to work for you. Use it on your website, branding materials, and social media business profiles.

It is important to use the same headshot photo as your main profile photo on every platform so that your personal branding is consistent. You can always use the extra headshots from your shoot in the content within your page. The more people see and recognize your face, the more they will feel like they know you and can trust you.

Of course, make sure you keep your professional headshot up to date. Ideally, you should update your headshot every few years, or as your appearance changes. You want to make sure you always look like your professional headshot, as that will maximize trust between you and the client.

​9. Preparing For The Shoot

Before the photo shoot, you need to prepare and do your research.

1. Research the photographer and their work.

The photographer is going to be in charge of making you look great for your real estate headshots, so they're an important factor in looking good on camera. Make sure you book a professional with real estate headshot experience and ask to see real samples of their work.

2. Find a location that fits your brand.

Choosing the right photography studio or real estate office is important for making a good impression with your professional headshot. Once you have found a great photographer, consider which kind of office will best represent your headshots. Is it an elegant boutique real estate office, or do you work with contractors and professionals?

3. Make sure your clothing is tailored for the photoshoot.

For headshots, you should always wear something that looks professional, conveys confidence, and relates to your target audience. If your brand focuses on luxury, you want to choose clothing that communicates wealth and luxury. If you focus on first-time homebuyers, wearing a suit might not be the best idea.

4. Have your hair cut or styled before the photoshoot.

Great real estate agent headshots start with great hair! Make sure you get your hair cut or styled professionally before the headshot photoshoot.

realtor headshots

​10. Best Practices During The Shoot

During the photoshoot, you need to make sure you follow these important guidelines.

Relax and Breathe!

It is very easy for real estate agents to get nervous when the camera starts pointing at them, but relax – with professional realtor headshots, your photographer will be doing most of the work. Remember, realtor headshots don't have to be stiff or awkward; you just need to show yourself at your best.

Give The Photographer Something To Work With.

As mentioned above, headshot photos should look natural and casual, but that doesn't mean you should just sit around pretending that nothing is happening. Take whatever pose or expression you would normally use in real life with a client, and just let that happen naturally. Avoid looking stiff or fake; it's okay to be yourself!

Make The Photographer Your Friend.

While real estate headshots are all about professionalism, headshots with a fun element can really help you stand out from the crowd. Make sure you work with a headshot photographer who is willing to put in the effort to capture real, honest photos that show your personality.

​11. How to Use Your Headshots

Once you have the headshots you want, it's time to start using them. You can use headshot photos in all of your marketing strategies, including online real estate listings and social media profiles.

Using headshots also makes it much easier for customers to remember who they are dealing with; when you show real personality in your realtor headshots, people will feel more connected to you and trust that you have their best interests in mind.

Branded Marketing Material

Take a look at all of the branding materials you already have, such as business cards and letterheads. How can you use your headshot photos on these? You should also use real estate headshots to brand your social media profiles – but you should have the same headshot photo on every profile so that people recognize you easily.

Online Real Estate Listings

One of the easiest ways to personalize real estate listings is to include headshots in them! Realtor headshots will humanize your real estate listings and make it easier for potential clients to connect with you. Adding a headshot "watermark" in the lower third can work well.

As we mentioned above, using headshots on social media profiles is a great way to humanize listings and make them more appealing. But headshots are also helpful for customer service – real estate agents can use headshots on social media profiles, making it easier for customers to contact the right Realtor when they have problems or questions about listings.

realtor headshots


What do you wear to real estate headshots?

As you can see, headshots are meant to be more professional than standard portrait photography. That means you should wear business attire for headshots; dress one level above the client you want to attract.

If your clients are typically in casual dress, business casual may be fine for your real estate headshot. If your target audience is luxury and typically wears business casual or suits, you should be in a suit or very nice dress.

​Can I take a real estate headshot myself or have a friend do them for free?

It's possible to take your own headshots, or alternatively, you might consider asking a friend, family member, or colleague to take them for you. However, you want to be careful when choosing this option. Unless they're a professional photographer or model, their photos aren't likely to be up to "headshot" standards.

​​How often should I get my real estate headshot taken?

It's up to you, and how often you think your image needs to be updated.

Once a year is probably sufficient for the average real estate agent. Most agents update their professional headshot every few years, not just when they appear dramatically different in photographs.

How do you take good real estate headshots?

When taking headshots, it's important to pay attention to a few things. First, use natural light whenever possible. Second, choose the right background. And third, consider your clothing choices and makeup. You can always ask for help from others, so hire a photographer who is familiar with the real estate industry.

How much do real estate headshots cost?

Typically, real estate headshots cost between $150 – $350. However, the headshot photographer you work with will determine the cost of your headshots.

There are three main factors that determine headshot photography pricing: – Your location – How many locations you want to shoot at – Whether or not there is a makeup artist as part of the package.

Final Thoughts on The Perfect Real Estate Headshots

The investment in professional headshots might seem costly, but it will undeniably pay off in the end.

A quality headshot ensures that you are serious about your business and clients know this. As a result, they will want to work with you because of how much faith they have in your abilities as a real estate agent.

Did I miss anything? Share your favorite professional Realtor Headshot tips in the comments below!

Kyle Handy

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